Event Detail
- Start Date 08/04/2022
- Start Time 08:00 AM
- End Date 08/04/2022
- End Time 02:00 PM
- Location Dodoma, Tanzania
31 August 2022 is 152 years since the birth of Maria Montessori. Montessori was ahead of her time in her research, educational approach and pioneering work for social reform. The work of Montessori today continues to motivate people to change the world for the better and has impacted the lives of children and teachers for more than 110 years.
The month of August is marked to celebrate Maria Montessori and her amazing legacy of Montessori education, as well as her commitment to advocating for the human rights of the child, a cause which is continued through the work of the Educateurs sans Frontières. To mark the annual anniversary, a special event will be held in Dodoma on August 4th, 2022 hosted by The Montessori Community of Tanzania .
Among the guests to grace the event will include private and public stakeholders in Education, Government representatives, NGOs, Private Companies and the entire Montessori Community Members in Tanzania and the region.