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Cordula Arana Lehrer
Elementary Trainer
10 years experience working as examiner and lecturer at different AMI Courses and held Orientation Courses.
Experience & Activities
Cordula Arana Lehrer is AMI Elementary Trainer. She is Austrian and lives since 20 years in Switzerland.
Mrs. Arana holds AMI diplomas for Assistant to Infancy, Children’s House and the Elementary Level. She has a BA of education from Päd. Ak./Diözese Linz Austria; During the last 10 years, she gained a lot of experience working as examiner and lecturer at different AMI Courses and held Orientation Courses in Switzerland and Czech Republic. After 17 years of teaching, she concentrates now as Director of Training on offering AMI Elementary Training in Switzerland. MS Arana continues to work for a school in Zürich as pedagogical support